
Physics Assignement

complete assignment with clear solution and explanation

   Related Questions in Physics

  • Q : Define Hall Effect Hall Effect:

    Hall Effect: Whenever charged particles flow via a tube that has both an electric field and a magnetic field (that is perpendicular to the electric field) present in it, only assured velocities of the charged particles are favored, and will make it un

  • Q : Explain Ohms law Ohm's law (G. Ohm;

    Ohm's law (G. Ohm; 1827): The ratio of the potential difference among the ends of a conductor to the current flowing via it is constant; the constant of proportionality is termed as the resistance, and is distinct for different materials.

  • Q : Magnetism what's the unit of Curie

    what's the unit of Curie constant and how to calculate Bohr magneton from the plot of 1/Khi vs Temperature(K)?

  • Q : Law of Lamberts Cosine State the law of

    State the law of Lamberts Cosine? Describe briefly?

  • Q : What is Loschmidt constant or Loschmidt

    Loschmidt constant: Loschmidt number: NL: The total number of particles per unit volume of an ideal gas at standard pressure and temperature. It has the value of 2.687 19 x 1025 m-3.

  • Q : Define Coulomb or SI unit of electric

    Coulomb: C (after C. de Coulomb, 1736-1806): The derived SI unit of an electric charge, stated as the quantity of charge shifted by a current of 1 A in a period of 1 s; it therefore has units of A s.

  • Q : What are Trojan satellites Trojan

    Trojan satellites: Satellites that orbit a body at one or the other Trojan points associative to a secondary body. There are numerous illustrations of this in our own solar system: a collection of asteroids that orbit in the Trojan points of Jupiter;

  • Q : Define Copernican principle Copernican

    Copernican principle (N. Copernicus): The idea, recommended by Copernicus, that the Sun, not the Earth, is at the center of the earth. We now know that neither idea is accurate (that is, the Sun is not even situated at the center of o

  • Q : Explain Einstein field equation

    Einstein field equation: The cornerstone of Einstein's general theory of relativity, associating the gravitational tensor G to the stress-energy tensor T by the simple equation: G = 8 pi T<

  • Q : Define Occams razor or Ockhams razor

    Occam's [or Ockham's] razor (William of Occam [or Ockham]; c. 1340): It is the suggestion that the simpler a theory is the better. When two theories forecast the phenomena to the similar accuracy, then the one that is simpler is the better one. Furthe