
Physics Assignement

Answers and explanation to all the questions.

   Related Questions in Physics

  • Q : Define Tesla or SI unit of the magnetic

    Tesla: T (after N. Tesla, 1870-1943): The derived SI unit of the magnetic flux density stated as the magnetic flux density of a magnetic flux of 1 Wb via an area of 1 m2; it therefore has units of Wb/m2.

  • Q : Define Kirkwood gaps Kirkwood gaps

    Kirkwood gaps (Kirkwood): The gaps in the asteroid belt, caused by the resonance effects from Jupiter. Similar gaps are also exists in Saturn's rings, due to the resonance effects of the shepherd moons.

  • Q : Kirchhoffs rules or Loop rule or Point

    Explain Kirchhoff's rules or Kirchhoff's Loop rule and Point rule? Kirchhoff's rules (G.R. Kirchhoff) <

  • Q : Faradays laws of electrolysis or

    Explain Faradays laws of electrolysis or describe Faradays first law and Faradays second law? Faraday's laws of electrolysis (M. Faraday):

  • Q : Explain Correspondence limit or

    Explain Correspondence limit or Correspondence principle? Correspondence limit (N. Bohr): The limit at which a more common theory decreases to a more specialized theory when the situations that the

  • Q : Features or characteristics of dead

    Write a short note on the features or characteristics of dead stars?

  • Q : Explain Joules laws and Joule's

    Joule's laws (J.P. Joule) Joule's first law: The heat Q generated whenever a current I flows via a resistance R for a specified time t is specified by: Q = I2

  • Q : Negative mass defect State is it

    State is it possible that the nucleus consists of negative mass defect?

  • Q : Explain Superposition principle and

    Explain Superposition principle and their illustrations? Superposition principle: The common idea that, whenever a number of influences are performing on a syst

  • Q : Law of Lamberts Cosine State the law of

    State the law of Lamberts Cosine? Describe briefly?