
PH level in small intestine

Coming from acidic pH environment of stomach which is the pH level does chyme find whenever it enters the duodenum? Why is it essential in order to maintain that paricular pH level in small intestine? Which are the organs responsible for that pH level and how is it kept?




When “CHyme” enters the duodenum it meets pancreatic juice under the pH of around 8.5. Neutralization of chyme acidity is essential in order to keep adequate pH level for functioning of the digestive enzymes which act in duodenum. Without neutralization of the chyme acidity the mucous membrane of intestine might be injured. When it is stimulated by chyme acidity the duodenum rereleases a hormone known as “secretin”. Secretin stimulates pancreas in order to secreate the pancreatic juice and also the gallbladder in order to expel bile in duodenum. Pancreatic secretion which is rich in bicarbonate ions, is released in duodenum and it neutralizes the chyme acidity; this acidity is also neutralized through the secretion of bile in duodenal lumen.

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