
Objectives and fundamentals of value education

How can the objectives and fundamentals of value education be achieved? What are they?




a) To improve the integral growth of human begins.
b) To create attitudes and improvement towards sustainable lifestyle.
c) To increase awareness about our national history our cultural heritage constitutional rights, national integration, community develo9pment and environment.
d) To create and develop awareness about the values and their significance and role.
e) To know about various living and non- living organisms and their interaction with environment.

Types of values
a) Universal values focuses on Importance of the human conditions
b) Cultural values - Right, wrong, good and bad.
c) Individual values - Individual personality and experiences.
d) Global values - Human civilization.
e) Spiritual values – discipline and Self-restraint.
The ways to accomplish objectives of value education are:
a) Education must teach Human beings to act as custodians of all natural resources and their potential uses must be planned for the current as well as in future situations.
b) Peaceful coexistence of all the living organisms should be made sure.
c) Necessary safety measures to avoid hazardous effects of various technological developments must be worked out and listed so that human race can be made aware of all detrimental outcomes.

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