
Non knowledge-based factors at hospitals

One of my friend has a problem in training at hospitals. Describe possible non knowledge-based factors (other things such as proper resources that do not require and are not affected by training/instruction).




The possible non-knowledge-based factors have been listed below:

Tools and resources:

The survey carried out brought to light the fact that there are frequently extremely long wait times for x-rays. This means that may be the department has lesser tools or resources as compared to the average number customers coming for the purpose of X-rays. The problem can be sorted out by adding some more machines in order to bring down the waiting times.

Motivation and Incentives:

It has been discovered that the staff members are not very enthusiastic to go an extra mile so as to assist patients with different issues. This may be due to lack of motivation and incentives. It is very essential to encourage the staff on continuous basis in order to make sure that they do their best and offer them more incentives for good and exceptional work. The staff members must also be encouraged to align the needs of their department with that of other departments and human resources in the hospital.

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