
Medicare plans for older people

What are the medicare plans for older people aged 65 and above and for disabled individuals?




There are medicare plans for older people aged 65 and above and for disabled individuals. This can cover basic coverage for hospital care including skilled nursing care, home health care, sometimes physicians’ services, diagnostic tests and sometimes prescription drug coverage as well. The major provisions of a health insurance policy include the following:

Coverage: The area (physicians and hospitals) that is covered in the policy and the consequences if the individual is outside the coverage area.

Deductible: Annual deductible, family deductible and annual out-of-pocket expenses must be considered. Provisions for ICU, testing, x-rays, etc must be determined.

Co-payment: The amount which is needed to be shared in payment as an in-patient and as an out-patient.

Major medical coverage: After the individual pays off the designated amount for medical bills, the policy must go into medical coverage at 100% payment by the insurer.

Exclusions: This includes items not covered in the policy generally such as dental care, genetic testing, etc.

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