
Mean and standard deviation of the data

Below is the amount of rainfall (in cm) every month for the last 3 years in a particular location:

130 172 142

150 144 117

165 182 104

120 190 99

170 205 110

80 196 127

120 175 119

145 180 132

177 138 141

152 144 162

165 174 166

160 170 159

Calculate the below:

(a) Mean and standard deviation of the above data?

(b) Assuming the above data is normally distributed, what is the probability that the rainfall of a randomly selected month would be between 130cm and 180cm?

(c) Assuming the above data is normally distributed, what is the probability that the rainfall of a randomly selected month would be either less than 125cm or greater than 180cm?

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