Maximum Consumer Surplus

Assume that you receive $18 worth of ‘jollies’ (that is, utility, satisfaction or pleasure) from the very first hole of golf played on a particular day, and that your extra jollies from succeeding the holes drops $1 for each and every hole played. You should pay $40 up front to get on the course however can then play as much holes as you like devoid of any additional charge. Measured in dollars worth of jollies and supposing that the value of a single ‘jolly’ is unchanged by how much or how little pleasure you have had, the maximum consumer surplus which you can produce from playing golf would be: (1) 171 jollies. (2) 180 jollies. (3) 144 jollies. (4) 131 jollies. (5) No jollies [zero].

Can someone please help me in finding out the accurate answer from the above options.

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