Modeling eye movements is commonly performed in the Matlab/Simulink pacakage. Based on the Physiological evidence, oculomotor plants have been designed to simulate various eye movements. Choose two eye movement models, one for saccades and the other for pursuit, and simulate the following amplitudes using Simulink: (a) 5degree, (B) 10degree, (C) 15degree, (d) 20 degree. some of the plots that should be provided include position, velocity, and acceleration versus time. In doing so please review the current literature for some guidance. This is an open ended project so be creative and through.
The report:
A written report is to be made in IEEE manuscript form, containing your Matlab/Simulink-code(in the an Appendix). The report should include a title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, disscussion conclusion and references sections. Remember to comment your code well.