Marginal rate of substitution


Luke likes to consumer CDs (good1) and pizzas (good 2). His preference over both goods is given by the utility function

U(x1; x2) = x21 x42.

If Luke allocates $200 to spend on both goods and if a case of CDs costs $20 and a pizza costs $10, how many cases of CDs and pizzas would he consume in order to maximize his utility subject to his income. Show your work and illustrate your answer graphically.


The problem in economics in price theory deals with deriving maximum marginal utility and marginal rate of substitution.


U(x1, x2) = x12x24

P1 = 20, P2 = 10

MUx1 = 2x1x24

MUx2 = 4x12x23

Therefore, MRS = ½(x2/x1)

Now, for optimization, MRS = P1/P2 = 20/10 = 2

Now, ½(x2/x1) = 2

x2 = 4x1

Putting this value into the budget equation:

20x1 + 10x2 = 200

20x1 + 40x1 = 200

x1 = 10/3

and x2 = 40/3

678_marginal rate of substitution.png

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