management accounting

According to Martin and Steele (2010, p.13), “The two principal professional associations in Australia – CPA Australia (the CPA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (the Institute) have indicated their awareness of the significance of issues of sustainability reporting and development of appropriate skill sets in word and indeed. The commitment of both organisations to sustainability principles has been shown by their adoption of, and support for, sustainability-focused reporting approaches and by their opting to take up membership of the Accounting for Sustainability Forum”. Martin A and Steele F (2010) Sustainability in Key Professions: Accounting. A report prepared by the Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability for the Australian Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. question: Discuss the way in which BHP Billiton has demonstrated its social and environmental accountability. NOTE: BHP has been publishing Sustainability Reports or alternatively Annual Health, Safety, Environment and Community Reports for over a decade.

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