
Manage And Analyse knowledge & Techniques


Lucas-TVS is the Leader in Auto Electricals in India today with 50 years experience in design and manufacturing. 4 out of 5 vehicles rolled out daily are fitted with Lucas-TVS products. The company has manufacturing units with fully integrated state-of-the-art technology that includes most advanced design, production, quality, testing and  R& D facilities. You are appointed as Graduate Engineer Trainee. You will be working with different departments of the company and the concerned department managers will test your analytical knowledge and techniques to carry out managerial tasks.  


The company is planning to conduct a large international motor sports rally due to take place in four years time. A significant portion of the project will be provision of new building & facilities.  Major new works associated with the project include the construction of a 30,000 seat outdoor stadium with car racing tracks & a world press & media centre. A further consideration is the upgrade of the current transport network, with major development work required on the local metro rail system between the main stadium & the city centre & an airport bus link.

Success will be measured in terms of trouble free performance of the events, level of customer enthusiasm & satisfaction & sustained economic activity generated in the region.  Completion of the project on time is critical even if costs are adversely affected.

The major software development aspect of the project is the development of communication software in the form of an information database. This will require development of a dedicated website to give public access to event information. The database will contain information about competitors & their events, time & location & availability of tickets. The database will be designed to allow the general public to monitor the events, order tickets for any event  & purchase merchandise. The website will also contain links to local hotels & restaurant facilities.

The project can be broken down into following areas of work :


Activity Description

Preceding Activity

Duration in Weeks



Obtain financing & sponsorship negotiation





Sporting facilities





Analysis & design of communications software





 Construct media facilities





Program Communications system





Install communications software & telecommunications hardware





Transport network update & construct participants accommodation





Security arrangements & checks





Public Relations / Advertising / Marketing





Human Resources & Volunteers





Trial Events, media systems & contingency





Events (including the opening and closing ceremonies)




Each of the above activities is carried out by individual specialist project teams & is led by a  Project Team Manager. It is critical that these events are coordinated & planned effectively, as timing is critical to the success of this project. One of the key tasks to undertake immediately is the determination of the critical path.

You have been asked by your management to prepare a report which includes :

(a)   An explanation of the importance of undertaking critical path analysis for a project such as this.

(b)   A critical path analysis for the project , clearly identifying :

(i)    The critical path activities & the critical duration of the project.

(ii)   The Earliest Event Time for each activity (EET).

(iii)  The Latest Event Time for each activity (LET)

(c)    A calculation of the slack time on activity H and an explanation of how this information may assist decision making during this project.

(d)     How using project management software may assist during this project.


The company has planned to purchase hardware & develop an in house  software to run a completely new stock control system & a website allowing access to the stock database. The design stage has been completed & the project is progressing through the implementation stage, but is falling behind schedule. The following is the schedule of events for the 16 week implementation phase of the project :

Planned :


Planned Start

Planned Duration

Write Programmes

Start of Week 1


Purchase & Install hardware

Start of Week 1


Create databases

Start of Week 6


Convert Existing Files

Start of Week 9


Test Programs

Start of Week 6


Test System

Middle of Week 11


Select & Train personnel

Start of Week 8



Start of Week 14


Actual :

Write Programmes

Start of Week 1


Purchase & Install hardware

Start of Week 1


Create databases

Start of Week 7


Convert Existing Files

Middle of Week 10

1.5 ( Continuing)

Test Programs

Start of Week 7

5 ( Continuing)

Test System

Not Started


Select & Train personnel

Start of Week 8

4 ( Continuing)


Not Started



The company is planning to develop an in house  software to run a completely new stock control system & a website allowing access to the stock database as indicated in task 2. At the planning stage you are required to prepare a Work Break down structure giving activities & costs.


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