
Major effects of this price floor

Assume that the government establishes a price ceiling of $3.70 for wheat.  What may prompt the government to establish this price ceiling?  Describe carefully the main influence.  Show your answer graphically. Next, explain that the government establishes a price floor of $4.60 for wheat.  What will be the major effects of this price floor?  Show your answer graphically.


1413_wheat price ceiling.png




At a price of $3.70, buyers will desire to purchase 80,000 bushels, but sellers will just offer 73,000 bushels to the market.  The result is a lack of 7,000 bushels.  The ceiling prevents the price from increasing to encourage greater production, discourage consumption, & relieve the shortage. Distinguish the graph below.

1744_price celing.png

At a price of $4.60, buyers only desire to purchase 65,000 bushels, but sellers desire to sell 79,000 bushels, resulting in a surplus of 14,000 bushels.  The floor stops the price from falling to remove the surplus. Observe the graph below.


2467_price celing 2.png

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