
Macro Blended Design Blueprint

Explain the term Macro Blended Design Blueprint and what are their learning program?




Macro Blended Design Blueprint:

During the course of this learning program, each participant will do the following:

1) Podcast:

Before the classroom sessions, each member of the senior management team will listen to a podcast from the CEO, who requested this intervention, outlining the need behind the intervention and the current challenges facing the team. Rationale: This will show the team that their new leader is committed to the success of the team as a whole and provide an introduction to the reasons behind the need for the training. Additionally, the team will be given motivation through goal clarity and a group focus.

2) Self-study (asynchronous) e-learning component:

Team members will then complete an e-learning module to learn the importance of communication in teams and the effects of leadership and communication on an organization as a whole. Rationale: This will provide important information and knowledge of communication in general and basic communication skills emphasizing the importance of communication in the corporate team. The knowledge gained during the e-learning process will be referred to and used in the classroom session and will provide background information in order to facilitate the session more efficiently.

3) Face-to-Face Meeting with new CEO and leader of the senior management team:

Each team member will meet with the team’s new leader and CEO in order to gain the individual perspectives of the corporate management team as to the root cause of the issues and problems the team faces. Additionally, their views and ideas of how these challenges can be overcome will be collected. Rationale: This will reinforce to the team member the importance of their role within the team and the importance of their individual contribution to the team. Additionally, this will provide a very important opportunity for open communication between the new CEO and the team member and to establish a positive rapport between the two before the classroom session and set a positive tone for communication on the job.

4) Classroom Session:

Along with the new CEO, team members will attend the training session “Communicating as a Team”. Rationale: Team communication building activities, peer discussions reinforcing communication concepts, role plays to further develop communication skills.

5) Discussion Board:

Post classroom session, team members will participate in a community discussion board in order to further enhance communication between team members, this time in a virtual environment. Rationale: Here, team members will find support and a forum for sharing personal experience and result of the training session with other team members. This will enable them to participate in an open forum further building team support and reinforce their learned communication skills.

6) Informal communication with CEO and team leader:

After the classroom session, each team member will communicate with their leader at least two times per week via email, phone, or in person meeting concerning the communication goals, action plan, milestones, and challenges they are facing in communicating on the job. Rationale: By communicating regularly with the new CEO and nurturing open communication, team members will be able to maintain an open communication with their leader and exchange feedback, goals, and challenges team members are currently facing. These actions will only enhance their learned communication skills and assist the team in continuing communication as all information is being received by a single person who can effectively lead the team and implement a collaborative approach to the team’s goals and interactions.

Each of these activities will work together in order to provide: the context for a new format and expectations for communicating as a corporate team, the importance for a positive partnership and working relationship between team member and manager, the knowledge and skills needed in order for the team to maintain effective communication, and support from the new CEO and as the company continues to transition under new leadership. The Level III Evaluation will occur through a series of follow-up meetings 30 days, 90 days, and 6 months after the training sessions are completed. Additionally, a component will be added to the succession planning process to track progress in team communication specifically progress made on the projects which are currently behind schedule and progress made in the transitions of job responsibilities under new leadership which addresses the Level IV requirements.

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