List the arguments (variables) of which a FX call or put alternative model price is a function. How does the call & put premium change w.r.t. alteration in the arguments?
Both call & put options are functions of just six variables: St, E, ri, rus, T and ρ. While all else remains the similar, the price of a European FX call (put) option will enhance:
a) the larger (smaller) is S,
b) the smaller (larger) is E,
c) the larger (smaller) is rus,
d) the smaller (larger) is ri,
e) the larger (smaller) rus is relative to ri, and
f) the greater is ρ.
While rus and ri are not too much different in size, a European FX call & put will increase in price when the option term-to-maturity increases. However, while rus is very much larger than ri, a European FX call will enhance in price, however the put premium will decrease, while the option term-to-maturity increases. The opposite is true when ri is very much greater than rus. For American FX options the analysis is less complexes. As a longer term American option can be exercised on any date that a shorter term option can be exercised, or some later date, this follows that the all else remaining the similar, the longer term American option will sell at a price at least as large as the shorter term option.