Liability of partners

Liability of partners:

A) Under contract law:

  • Liability is joint only (collectively);
  • The creditor has only one right of action (except in NSW, where liability is now joint and several).

B) Under the law of torts:

  • Liability is joint (collectively) and several (individual);
  • Liability of co-partners only arises:

-Where the act or omission was in the ordinary course of the business of the firm; or
-It was with the authority of the co-partners.

C) Holding Out:

  • A person who holds themselves out as a partner by their words or conduct may become liable as an ‘apparent partner’.

D) Retiring partners:

  • Remain liable for debts incurred before retirement unless the creditors and other partners agree otherwise;
  • May be liable for debts incurred by the partnership after retirement if they have not taken steps to notify former and new customers of their retirement.

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