
Kotters Step Change Model

What are the Kotter’s Step Change Model? Explain Briefly.




Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model:

This model was developed by John Kotter and focuses on how to bring change in the system if there is a urgency to do so. In our study we will focus on how to bring about the change in performance appraisal system. It is very important that some eminent structure is applied before bringing about any kind of change in the organization.

The steps of the models are:

1. Create urgency: In this step urgency needs to be created so that the need is generated in the organization. This urgency will help in the growth of the organization. This will make people aware that the change in the organization is important.

2. Form a Power coalition:  In this step a string team is to be created which will be the main functional unit of change for the organization as a whole. This team will look after the changes that are to be brought so that organization can effectively pass the phase of change. Of all the stages of changes this is the most important one as this decides the future leadership in change management.

3. Create a vision for change: This information has to get a buy in from the upper management. The buy in will help the organization get into the next level of creation of vision. Once the vision of change is established and is clear in the eyes of the team which is managing it, change will occur.

4. Communicate the vision: It is very important that the vision which has been generated is communicated to the whole organization it should be the whole organization which should be looking for the completion of the vision. The goal of the managing team as of now is to create effective leadership which will fight for this vision.

5. Remove obstacles: Many obstacles will come in the way of change and the objective of the team all the time should be to remove them and fight for the case. All obstacles should be cleared from the root and should not be ignored.

6. Create short term wins: This short term wins are better known as milestones. These milestones are very important and hence they should be made. This will give a sense of completion among the team and will motivate them to go ahead and win the whole change process.

7. Build on the changes: as changes start taking place organization should start building on it and growing on it. Change at first will be hurting but as the process starts sinking in the change will take effect. It is very important that management start building on the small changes that occur and in the final stages all hurdles are cleared.

8. Anchor the changes in corporate culture: it is very important the changes that occur are culture into the organization. This will create a feeling of sink in and the employee force will be able to absorb it better.

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