
Is analyzing web statistics etical or not

In your opinion, is the activity of analyzing web statistics ethical? Why or why not?




In my opinion the activity of analyzing web statistics is not only ethical but also a key to remaining alive in the highly competitive business environment present. The question however is valid and the answer that this practice is ethical depends on

a. How the data was collected.
b. What kind of data was collected?
c. Is the data collected for personal use or sale to third parties?
d. Was the users consent taken, in case of privileged or personal information being recorded?

The visitor should be made aware that his presence on the page is being monitored, and also to what levels is it being monitored. The kind of information that would be stored regarding that particular visit, will it be just the visit that would be recorded or the navigation pattern while on the page would also be recorded. The data if it is to be collected for personal use is still alright but if the data were to be collected for selling to third parties then the consumer should have a choice to stop these recording.

The answer to these questions would determine whether it was ethical or not, but as a whole if you were to ask me I would suggest that this practice is completely ethical.

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