influence of mergers and acquisitions on customers access

What influence has mergers and acquisitions had on a customer's access to branches?
A branch closing that has resulted from a merger require not necessarily mean a lost relationship. The cause a branch closes is usually the presence of a nearby branch of the same bank. Moreover, the number of bank and thrift branches has enhanced each year from 1993 to 2009. Nowadays there are more than 98,000 bank & thrift offices in the U.S.




It may comprise the decision to come to class, to skip breakfast to obtain a few extra minutes of sleep, to attend college or university, or to make a purchase. Marginal benefits of attending class may comprise the acquisition of knowledge, participation in discussion, and better preparation for an upcoming assessment. Marginal costs may comprise lost opportunities for meals, sleep or studying for other classes. In evaluating the discussion of marginal benefits & marginal costs, be careful to watch for sunk costs offered as a rationale for marginal decisions.

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