
Image reconstruction in CT using MATLAB

What is Image reconstruction in CT using MATLAB?




The MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox includes routines which perform both the Radon and inverse Radon transforms (‘radon’ & ‘iradon’). Learn how they work by the following: kind ‘demos’ on the command line, then in the left menu, choose ‘Toolboxes’, ‘Image processing’, ‘Transforms’, and ‘Reconstructing an imaging from projection data’. Now run the demo according to the instruction. As well read documentations of ‘radon’ and ‘iradon’ utilizing ‘help’. In the following questions, the parallel ray geometry is supposed.

(1) Make your own object (256 x 256) which is composed of at least three values, for illustration, μ=0 (background), 0.5 and 1. Exhibit your object utilizing ‘imshow’.

(2) Apply the Radon transform to the object and obtain the projections with angles from 0 to 179 degree with 1 degree step. Exhibit the sinogram of the projections.

(3) Apply the inverse Radon transform to projections to re-construct the object. Show the re-constructed image.

(4) Are the original and reconstructed images similar? If not, describe why and how they are dissimilar.

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