
Illustrates the parts of an XML document are case-sensitive

Illustrates the parts of an XML document are case-sensitive.




Both markup and text are there. This is considerably different from most other SGML applications and HTML. This was done to permit markup in non-Latin-alphabet languages, and to obviate problems along with case-folding in writing systems that are caseless.
Element type names are case-sensitive: you should follow whatever combination of upper- or lower-case you utilize to describe them (either through first usage or into a DTD or Schema). Therefore, you can't say < BODY >? < /body >: upper- and lower-case must match; therefore < Img/ >, < IMG/ >, and < img/ > are three various element types;

• For well-formed XML documents along with no DTD, the first incidence of an element type name explains the casing;

• Attribute names are also case-sensitive, for illustration the two width attributes in < PIC width="7in"/ > and < PIC WIDTH="6in"/ > (when they occurred in similar file) are separate attributes, due to the different case of WIDTH and width;

• Attribute values are as well case-sensitive. CDATA values (for example: Url="MyFile.SGML") always have been, except NAME types (ID and token list attributes and IDREF attributes) are now case-sensitive also;

• All parameter and general entity names (as Á), and your data content (as text), are case-sensitive as all the time.

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