Illustrates the different kinds of Demand

Illustrates the different kinds of Demand?




Various types of demand are as follows:

Joint demand:
While two or more commodities are jointly demanded at similar time to satisfy a particular want, it is termed as joint or complimentary demand. As like demand for vegetables for making vegetables soup.

Composite demand:
The demand for a commodity that can be put for some uses as demand for electricity

Direct and Derived demand:
Demand for a commodity that is for a direct consumption is termed as direct demand. For example: food, cloth. While the commodity is demanded as outcome of the demand of other commodity, it is termed as derived demand. For example: demand for tyres depends on demand of motors and many vehicles.

Industry demand and company demand:
Demand for the product of exact company is company demand and whole demand for the products of particular industry that includes number of companies is termed as industry demand.

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