ID of TC Trustcenter Publisher and certificates of developer
For how long are ID of TC Trustcenter Publisher and certificates of developer valid?
For one time TC Trustcenter Publisher ID is valid. For six months developer certificate is valid. While requesting developer certificate, ensure that your Publisher ID is valid. While signing an application along with developer certificate as well as Publisher ID (.key) and also developer certificate (.cer) should both be valid. You can confirm the certificate expiration date through double-clicking the .cer file into Windows explorer.
Describe the term Intermediate language? Illustrate in brief.
Filter stream: It is an input-output class which filters or manipulates its stream of input- or output-data in some manner. Two illustrations are: DataInputStream and DataOutputStream.
Data type conversion: Conversion of one data type into the other data type. Two kind of conversion that is, A) Implicit Conversion: This is automatically taken care
Tell me about the System Architecture for Windows Programming?
Java Virtual Machine (JVM): It is an idealized machine whose instruction set comprises of bytecodes. Java program is compiled to an equal bytecode form and performed on an interpreter that implements the JVM.
Byte: In general computing, it refers to eight bits of data. In Java it is as well the name of one of the primitive data types, whose size is of eight bits.
Low level programming languages: It is frequently termed as `assembly languages’; these give little more than the fundamental instruction set of a particular Central Processing Unit. Therefore programs written in low level programming languages
While loop: It is one of Java's three control structures employed for looping. The other two are: do loop and for loop. The while loop comprises of a Boolean expression and a loop body. The condition is tested prior to the loop body is entered for the
Factoring Problem: Factoring is the action of dividing an integer into a set of smaller integers (or factors) which, when multiplied altogether, form the unique integer. For illustration, the factors of 15 are 3 and 5; the factoring trouble is to find
Define the term Heterogeneous collection: It is a collection of objects with distinct dynamic types
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