
Human race in our modern world

Here are two papers addressed to the in-class essay from the previous class. Study them in the context of the exact wording of the assignment and take some notes that will enable you to refer to specific features of the two papers when talking about their relative quality. Be sure when you next come to class to bring notes on the two papers with you. In class you will have conversation first about what kind of argument might be developed to claim that PAPER A is a better essay than PAPER B. Then you will determine what kind of argument might be developed to claim that PAPER B is better than PAPER A. Finally, you will confront which argument you think is stronger and for what reasons.

Here are the two papers:


The human race in our modern world is faced with a great many earth-shattering problems. The problems of our world involve everyone, wherever he or she may live. Civilization depends on how we cope with certain problems. Handling problems thoughtfully and with emotional maturity can lead us to peace, prosperity and happiness. This is something we all want. Handling them badly can lead to disease and death. So the time to take responsibility is now. We must all do our share. And no where is this more obvious than in the field of education. We all have a responsibility to read and write well.

Where would we be if everyone felt reading and writing weren't important? There would be no books or magazines. We would get no letters. Advertising would come to a halt. No one would know what anyone else was doing.

You can't write a shopping list with a telephone. Without knowing how to read and write you wouldn't be able to get through school or read road signs. You couldn't pay your bills. These are just some of the reasons reading and writing are important.

In conclusion, reading and writing are important because everything depends on them. And only if every man, woman and child takes responsibility for learning to read and write well can civilization as we know it continue to exist. Who would want to live in a wasteland? Who would not rather live in a garden?


I'm going to have a hard time here because I feel very much the same way any friend does. How can I explain something I don't understand to someone? But my teachers must have something in mind. I like reading but I don't like writing much. But sometimes I'm glad I did it. I'm not sure why exactly except I remember the time in Englich when I knew the weakness of Lord of the Flies because of a paper I did in government. I hate working at writing though just the way this student does. And a lot can be done with computers and over the telephone. My teacher must have something in mind though. Maybe it has something to do with thinking. I'm not sure I don't know.

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