How nucleotides of mRNA chains encode the information

Describe how nucleotides of mRNA chains encode the information for making of amino acids sequences of a protein?




There are only four kinds of nitrogen-containing bases which can compose RNA nucleotides: uracil (U), adenine (A), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). Amino acids though are 20 different ones. Considering just one nucleotide (a 1:1 coding) it would be not possible to codify all the amino acids.

In view for two nucleotides there would be an arrangement of 4 elements, 2 x 2, resultant in a total of just 16 possible codifier units (4 x 4). Nature might know combinatory analysis as it forms a genetic code by arrangement of the 4 RNA bases, 3 x 3, giving 64 distinct triplets (4 x 4 x 4).

Therefore each and every triplet of nitrogen-containing bases of RNA codifies one amino acid of a protein. As such triplets emerge in sequence in the RNA molecule; sequential amino acids codified by them are bound altogether to form polypeptide chains. For illustration, a UUU sequence codifies the amino acid phenylalanine, and also the UUC sequence; the ACU, ACC, ACA and ACG sequences codify the amino acid threonine; and so forth for all possible triplet sequences and all other amino acids.

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