Hersey and Blanchard situation leadership

Hersey and Blanchard situation leadership ( life cycle theory )

Poal hersey has develop a leadership theory and accompanying the theory training programmed that are taught in many major corporation thought out of the country . their basis thesis is that the most effective leader style lead very with the mutuality level of the subordinates . they identify the two major dimensions of leader concern as task behavior and relationship behavior . task behavior is the extent followers is to do when to do it and where and how the task are to be accomplish . relationship between refers to the manners in which leader engage in the two way communication with the subordinates by providing the socio emotional support strong and facilities behavior

Maturity level of in Hersey leadership theory refers to the following 

1) The need for the achieve or motivation level of the subordinate that is their desire and their capacity to set high and achievable goals

ii) Subordinate willing and ability to accept the more responsibility

iii) Education and experience of the subordinate with respect the job

      in the initial Phases when the subordinate first enter in the organization a high task of the orientation  of the manger is most appropriate . subordinate must be instructed in their task and feminization with the organization rules and procedure at this stage a non directive manager causes anxiety and confusion among the new employees however a employee relationship approach will be inappropriate at this level because the subordinate cannot yet be regard as colleagues . this style is called the directing or telling approach the leadership in the second phase as subordinate begin to learn their task oriented by the manger remains essential as subordinate are not willing or able to accepts full responsibility however the manager trust in the support of subordinate of and desire of the encourage the further efforts of the parts thus the manager may to choose to initiate employee oriented behaviors this style is called selling or coaching approach of leadership in the third phase ( here it is the participating or supporting style ) the subordinate ability and achievement motivation is increase and subordinate activity began to greater to seek   greater responsibility  resolve for greater responsibility.

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