Goiter and endemic goiter

What is meant by the goiter and endemic goiter? How this problem is socially solved?




Goiter refers to the abnormal enlargement of thyroid gland. The goiter appears as a tumor within the anterior neck and it can be visible or sometimes not visible however palpable. Goiter may takes place in the hyperthyroidism or in hypothyroidism. Endemic goiter refers to the goiter which is caused by the deficient iodine ingestion (deficiency of the iodine within the diet). The endemic character of the disease is described as the iodine content of diet is often a social or cultural condition which is affecting several people of some of the geographical regions. The hypothyroidism is caused by the deficient iodine ingestion is more frequent in the regions far from the sea coast (as sea food is rich in iodine). These days, problem is often solved by the obligatory addition of iodine in the table salt. As table salt is an extensively used condiment the supply of iodine within the diet is almost assured through this method.

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