
Global Strategy or a Multi-country Strategy

What is a Global Strategy or a Multi-country Strategy?




Global Strategy or a Multi-country Strategy:

1. The need for a multi-country strategy derives from the vast dissimilarities in political, cultural, economic, and competitive conditions in various countries.

2. The more diverse national market circumstances are the stronger the case for a multi-country strategy in which the organization tailors its strategic approach to fit each host country’s market circumstances.

3. While multi-country strategies are best suited for industries where multi-country competition dominates and a quite high degree of local responsiveness is competitively very important, global strategies are best suited for globally competitive industries.

4. The global strategy is one in which the company’s approach is mostly the similar in all countries.

5. How a Global Strategy Differs from a Multi-country Strategy gives a point-by-point comparison of global v/s multi-country strategies.

6. The subject of whether to employ essentially the similar basic competitive strategy in the markets of all countries or whether to change the company’s competitive approach to fit exact market circumstances and purchaser preferences in each host country is perhaps the foremost strategic matters firms face when they compete in outsider markets.

7. The power of a multi-country strategy is that it matches the company’s competitive approach to host country conditions and accommodates the differing expectations and tastes of purchasers in each country.

8. Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Nestle and McDonald’s: Users of Multi-country Strategies, determines these organization’s multi-country strategies.

9. A global strategy can focus on making the resource strengths to safe a sustainable low-cost or differentiation-based competitive benefit over both global rivals and domestic rivals racing for world market leadership.

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