
Generation groups of Employees

What are the different Generation groups of Employees and what are their job features ?





In this era of cut throat competition and wide spread globalization it has become utmost important for organizations to be edge over the others. As we all know that employees play a crucial part in each and every company therefore it should be ensured that they are managed and trained in proper manner.

This particular essay provides an insight into three distinct groups of employees i.e. Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y and the effect ways of managing them.

To begin with, current employees can be fragmented into three different sections namely: Baby Boomers, X Generation and Y Generation. Firstly, Baby Boomers are individuals born amid the years ranging from 1945 to 1964, a group that has proved to be an efficient source for a number of significant cultural and economic variations. Normally, it is considered that the X Generation individuals are the ones who were born between the years ranging from 1965 to 1980. Few researchers term them as 'baby busters', because of the fact that the drift off or 'bust' in births coming next to the Baby Boomer generation after World War II. According to Solomon (1992), the Y Generation also called the ‘dot com’ generation, are people who are born later than the year 1980. Moreover, this particular set of employees is only just stepping in the organization and thus their impact at this point in time is budding even now. Contemporary places of work are characteristically different with all three generational sections illustrated.
The job features of these distinct generational sets have become essential concerns for almost each and every manager. Additionally, Tulgan (1996) adds to it by stating that workers with diverse work features will be extra effectual and creative with distinct headship approaches. The examination of work individuality and the consequence headship approach is hence an imperative section for study for managers who must guide and encourage the different generational groups and for researchers exploring dissimilarities among the generational sets.

However, because of delay in giving up work of the Baby Boomers and in advance maturity and entry of youthful individuals into the labor force at middle administration rankings, senior executive may have to cope up with 3 or 4 types of different generations in their work force. Therefore, there is need to have some acknowledgment of their disparities so as to supervise these different employees and to gratify their needs, to obtain best output from them and most important to retain them. Recent statistics and surveys bring to light the fact that over 60% of workers undergo anxiety among staff from diverse generations. Further, some surveys have established that above 70% of adult personnel have little views with respect to younger employees capabilities and around 50% of workers believe that the younger workers posses poor viewpoints concerning the skills of their adult contemporaries.

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