Functions of leukocytes

State the generic functions of the leukocytes? What are leukopenia and leukocytosis?




General function of the leukocytes is to take part in defence of body from the strange agents which enters the body from outside or are formed inside the body. Leukopenia and leukocytosis are the clinical conditions into which number of leukocytes in the blood sample gets abnormal. Whenever the leukocyte count in the blood sample is above the normal level for an individual leukocytosis occurs and when leukocyte count is lower than normal level leukopenia occurs. Increase in these defence cells, leukocytosis, usually takes place whenever the body is suffering from the infections or in the cancers of these cells. Lowering of these defence cells, or leukopenia, happens whenever some diseases attacks cells, such as in AIDS, or whenever immune suppressor drugs are taken. Normally, the body creates leukocytosis as the defence reaction if it is facing infectious or pathogenic agents. Thus clinical condition of leukocytosis is an indication of the infection. Leukopenia is caused whenever there is deficiency in the production or excessive destruction of the leukocytes such as, in case of HIV infection.

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