
Find out expected return on the index and slandered devotion

Find out expected return at last asset when return on the index and slandered devotion is given?




Let us show the expected return on the index with µM and its standard deviation with σM. The expected return upon the ith asset is then

µi = αi + βiµM

and the standard deviation

σi = √(β2iσ2M + e2i)

The return is given as follows, if we have a portfolio of such assets,

1614_portfolio return.png

We have

µΠ = αΠ + βΠE[RM] = αΠ + βΠµM.

Likewise the risk in Π is measured with

2068_risk in payi.png

Note that when the weights are all about similar, N-1, then the last terms inside the square root are also O(N-1). Therefore, this expression is, here to leading order as N →∞,

2060_final terms of roots.png

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