Task Description
Length: 1000-2000 words (up to 500 words above 2000 permitted)
• Complete this assignment in groups of 4-5 students.
• Maintain a portfolio of financial issues taken from 8 news sources.
• Analyse the articles with reference to theory covered in class and highlight links with the
theory. You may need to do additional research to understand certain terms in the articles.
Layout and Content:
• Provide a copy of the article together with the full source above your analysis.
• A reference list should be included at the end of your assignment and any sources you refer
to in your analysis must also be referenced in-text. A referencing guide can be found on the
portal under “Academic Success Centre/ Library” and is also uploaded under assessments on
the portal site.
• Below the article provide a 200-280 word commentary which includes:
o A very brief summary of the article’s content (no more than 30-50 words)
o An identification of a clear link between the issues discussed in the article and theory
covered in class
o An analysis of the financial issue and a comparison with the theory studied in class.
Consider how financial theory applies/ doesn’t apply/ partially applies to the article
and comment on the similarities and discrepancies.
o You can include calculations as part of your analysis.