
Features of the physical layer

Write down some of the features of the physical layer in detail?




The features of the physical layer are as described below:

a) Physical features of interfaces and media: The physical layer states the features of the interface among the devices and transmission medium.

b) Representation of bits: To transmit the stream of bits, it should be encoded to signals. The physical layer states the kind of encoding.

c) Data Rate or Transmission rate: The number of bits sent each second is as well stated by the physical layer.

d) Synchronization of bits: The sender and receiver should be synchronized at bit level. Their clocks should be synchronized.

e) Line Configuration: In a point-to-point configuration, two devices are joined altogether via a dedicated link. In multipoint configuration, a link is shared among various devices.

f) Physical Topology: The physical topology states how devices are joined to make a network. Devices can be joined by using a mesh, bus, star or ring topology.

g) Transmission Mode: The physical layer as well states the direction of transmission among two devices: simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex. 

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