
Explanation of double immuno diffusion method

Give a brief explanation of double immuno diffusion method.




In this technique, both antibodies and antigens diffuse radically from wells towards each other by establishing a concentration gradient. As correspondence is reached, a perceptible line of the precipitation is observed.

The patterns of the precipitin lines which are formed when two dissimilar antigens are placed in adjacent wells designate whether they share any general epitope or not.

Identity takes place when two antigens share identical epitopes; therefore, the line of precipitation which is formed through them will fuse to give single curve line of the identity.

Non-identity takes place when two antigens are not linked. The antiserum form independent precipitin lines which is cross each other.

Partial identity takes place when two antigens share common epitope. The antiserum forms line of characteristics with common epitope and a curved spur with unique epitope.

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