Explain the purpose of using XML

Explain the purpose of using XML.




Here are some reasons for using XML but not in particular order. Not all of such will apply to your own needs, and you may have additional purposes not mentioned now.

• XML can be used to explain and identify information unambiguously and accurately, in a way which computers can be programmed to understand (well, at least control as if they could know).

• XML permits documents that are all the same type to be created consistently and without any structural errors, since it provides a standardised way of explaining, controlling, or allowing/disallowing particular kinds of document structure. Remember that this has absolutely nothing whatever to do along with formatting, appearance, or the definite text content of your documents, simply the structure of them.

• XML gives a robust and durable format for information transmission and storage. Robust because this is based on a proven standard, and can therefore be tested and verified; durable since it uses plain-text file formats that will outlast proprietary binary ones.

• XML gives a common syntax for messaging systems for the exchange of information among applications. Previously, all messaging system had its own format and all were various, which made inter-system messaging unessential messy, expensive and complex. If everyone uses similar syntax this makes writing these systems much faster and extra reliable.

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