
Explain the common uses of XML

Explain the common uses of XML.




Common uses for XML have following features:

Information identification:

Since you can define your own markup, you can describe meaningful names for all your information items. All information storage since XML is portable and non-proprietary; this can be used to store textual information across some platform. Since it is backed by an international standard, this will remain processable and accessible like a data format.

Information storage:

Since XML is portable and non-proprietary, thsi can be used to store textual information across some platform. Since this is backed by an international standard, this will remain processable and accessible as a data format.
Information structure:

XML can hence be used to store and identify any type of (hierarchical) information structure, particularly for long, complex or deep document sets or data sources, making this ideal for an information-management back-end to serving the Web. It is its most common Web application, along with a transformation system to serve this as HTML till such time as browsers are capable to handle XML consistently.


The original objective of XML as explained in the quotation at the start of this section. Combining the three earlier topics as identity, storage and structure, means this is possible to get all the benefits of robust document management and control (along with XML) and publish to the Web (like HTML) and also to paper (like PDF) and to other formats (for example: Braille and Audio, etc) by a single source document using the suitable stylesheets.
Messaging and data transfer:

As well XML is very heavily used for enclosing or encapsulating information orderly to pass this between various computing systems that would otherwise be unable to communicate. By giving a lingua franca for data identity and structure, this gives a common envelope for inter-process communication (messaging). Web services Building upon all of these, and also it’s utilize in browsers, machine-processable data can be exchanged among consenting systems, where before this was only comprehensible by humans (HTML). Weather services, e-commerce sites, AJaX sites, blog newsfeeds and thousands of other type’s data-exchange services use XML for data transmission and management, and the web browser for display and interaction.

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