
Explain Offer of a valid contract

Explain Offer of a valid contract which is entering into a contract?




An offer is “a tentative promise made by one party (the offeror), subject to a condition or containing a request to the other party (the offeree).”

It is an “indication of a willingness to enter into a contract on certain terms.” Making an offer entails a risk because, as soon as it is accepted, a binding contract exists.

To be valid, an offer must be:

1. Complete – It must contain all the major terms of the agreement;

2. Precise – If the offer is too vaguely worded, a court may later find the agreement to be too ambiguous to be enforced; and

3. Communicated to the offeree – This may be done by act (sitting in the chair at the hair salon), words, writing, or a combination of these.

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