Explain Financial Models

Financial Models: A model which symbolizes the financial statements or financial operations of a company in terms of its business parameters and forecasts future financial performance. Models are employed for risk management by examining various economic scenarios for the prospect. Financial models are too employed to give valuations of individual assets that may not be vigorously traded in the secondary market.

Mathematical symbolization of the key financial and operational relationships. Comprising of one or various sets of equations, it is employed in analyzing how a business will respond to various economic events or situations, and in estimating the result of financial decisions prior to committing any funds. A financial model usually comprises of cash flow projections, debt service, depreciation schedules, inventory levels, rate of inflation, and so on. It might also quantify the financial impact of the firm's policies, and of limitations or covenants imposed by investors and or lenders. A cash budget (that is whether computed by hand or with a spreadsheet program) is a fundamental financial model.

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