
Explain Female Reproductive System

Explain the female reproductive system in detail with the help of diagram?




The Female Reproductive System: Everyone say that any female is a complex and hard to understand type of person – guess what  –  they are right!!  Females are hormonally complex when it comes to their reproductive system because the continuation of the human species depends on them and their ability to house the union of the egg and sperm!   
When females are born they are born with all of the eggs they will ever need – albeit none of them are mature but all the eggs are present – pretty amazing isn’t it??  What makes them unique from the males is that they can only release one mature egg at a time with a time span of approximately 28 days in between releases – sure there are anomalies – but that is the basic pattern.  So let’s take a look at the female system. 


Puberty not only “starts” the development of the male reproductive system – but it work the same way in the female system.  About twenty years ago it was “normal” to go through the “change” around 16 years of age give or take a year or so.  Nowadays – in the 2010’s this age has been known to drop as low as 10 or 11 years of age.  No one knows why but there is talk about it being due to the hormones in our food – the fast food diet and a host of other causes.  Essentially what this means is that a “child” can have a child at the age of 11 or 12!!  And it has happened – which is why it is so important that females understand their body and their body is a gift from God not to be abused by anyone!!  Some of the secondary sex characteristics that accompany the ability to have a child include enlarged breasts, hair growth (armpits and crotch), widening of the hips and increased fat levels.  Remember the success of future nations depends on the woman carrying forward the progeny!!  
From the picture on the previous page you can see that the UTERUS or womb is the largest part of the reproductive system of the female.  This is where the fetus grows until maturity. The ENDOMETRIUM is the inner layer of the uterus and it is supported by an outer muscular layer.  It is the endometrium that sheds each month when an egg is not fertilized resulting in a woman’s MENSTRUAL CYCLE.    Off to each side of the uterus are the FALLOPIAN TUBES or OVIDUCT.  When an egg is released by the OVARY each month it is picked up by the fallopian tubes and carried to the uterus.  The egg is generally fertilized in the fallopian tube if sperm are present.  If an egg becomes fertilized and embeds itself in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus and ECTOPIC PREGNANCY can occur which can either kill the mother or render her infertile due to the bursting and subsequent removal of the fallopian tubes together with the uterus. 
When the egg is released by the ovary each month it is pickup up by the FIMBRIA of the fallopian tubes – those are the fingerlike structures that end each oviduct.  Generally one egg is released from each ovary on subsequent months – but everyone’s body is unique and this is one area in which uniqueness is possible. 
At the bottom end of the uterus is the VAGINA or the BIRTH CANAL.  The CERVIX is the muscular ring between the two that acts like a door keeping out foreign bodies yet expanding enough to birth a baby – an amazing act!


With the side view provided above one can view where the reproductive organs lie in relation to the urinary system.  The female URETHRA is not part of the reproductive system as it sits to the front of the vagina.   The bladder is in front of the uterus and this relationship can be quite tumultuous when the female is carrying a baby as the increased pressure on the bladder can cause frequent trips to the washroom. And a full bladder can cause pain to the woman’s uterus!! 
Women in general suffer a lot of BLADDER INFECTION or UTI’S (URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS) due to the close proximity of the vagina and the urethra.  Microbes from the vagina can be swept into the urethra by the simple act of using toilet paper – this can cause UTI’s and painful urination.  YEAST INFECTIONS or CANDIDIS is another frequent disease of the female reproductive system that can be spread via the man, foods eaten, sanitary products used and antibiotics.

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