Explain Dissolution

1) Dissolution ENDS the partnership.

a) Action of the parties:

• By the expiration of a fixed term;
• If entered into for a single undertaking, and the completion of the undertaking;
• By a partner giving notice where no time is

b) Operation of law:

• By a partner giving notice;
• Death or bankrupt.

c) Illegality:

2) A partner may apply to the court to have the partnership dissolved on the grounds of:

  • Insanity of a partner;
  • Permanent incapacity;
  • Conduct of a partner detrimental to the interests of the
  • partnership;
  • Wilful or persistent breach of partnership
  • agreement;
  • Where the partnership can merely be carried on at a loss; and
  • Where the court considers it mere and equitable.

3) Each partner is entitled to a proportionate return of their contribution to capital before distribution.

4) If the partnership is being dissolved because of death, insolvency or bankruptcy, it is necessary to differentiate between partnership property and private property to determine the rights of the different groups of creditors.

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