Explain Detailed Budget Adjustments

Detailed Budget Adjustments:

Department Detailed Budget Adjustments are comprised in department budget displays to give the reader a snapshot of proposed expenses and position adjustments in the department, why those modifications are being proposed, and their dollar and place impact.

The Detailed Budget Adjustments comprise two adjustment classes: workload and policy. In the workload section, issues are further distinguished between budget change proposals and other workload budget adjustments. Below are some standard groups or headings comprising definitions:

The additional groups or headings might be employed as required in any specific year.

• Workload Budget Adjustments

• Policy Adjustments

• Employee Compensation Adjustments

• Retirement Rate Adjustment

• Limited Term Positions or Expiring Programs: Decreasing of the budget-year funding and place for expiring programs or positions.

• Abolished Vacant Positions: Positions abolished which are vacant for six successive monthly pay periods, irrespective of the fiscal years.

• One-Time Cost Reductions: The reductions of budget-year funding and positions to account for one-time costs budgeted in the present year.

• Full-Year Cost of New or Expanded Programs: Rises to the budget year funding and positions to replicate the full-year costs of programs authorized to start after July 1 of the present fiscal year (does not comprise the full year consequence of employee compensation adjustments which are displayed separately).

• Carryover or Reappropriation

• Legislation with an Appropriation: This is a new legislation with funding to fetch out its purpose.

• Expenditure Transfers: Transfers of expenditures among the two departments although in the same fund.

• Lease Revenue Debt Service Adjustment: Expenditures associated to modifies in lease revenue costs.

• Miscellaneous Adjustments: This class comprises all workload budget adjustments not comprised in one of the aforementioned categories. This group might comprise Pro Rata and Statewide Costs Allocation Plan (SWCAP) adjustments.

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