Explain Cost of capital aspect

Cost of capital aspect: Estimation of WCR is beneficial from the point of view of cost of capital too. A sound working capital position is beneficial from the point of view of both owners and lenders of the company. A sufficiently positive position means that the firm is able to meet all its short term needs even if they arise quickly. Therefore, the lenders will be secure in this scenario. For the owners, this situation means that the secure short-term lenders will extend them easy credit facilities and higher payment schedules. Thus, the impact on the overall situation will further get negated. The firm will be able to perform with lower cost of capital. Another aspect of large positive working capital is that it will mean lower level of long-term funds involvement thus, reducing the overall cost of capital for the firm. On the other side, if the WCR estimation turns out to be negative the firm will be able to identify the probable threats to its operations from existence of such situation and take corrective actions. This will help to bring down the possibility of any such occurrence and their impact period is minimized to a minimum. Some of the steps could be more lenient. Sales policy which would result in more sales in the market, paying off of unnecessary payables which only result in raising amount of current liabilities a without any productive use.

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