
Explain Client Relations

Client Relations: Building good relations with clients would be of immense use particularly in hospitality industry. These relations not only help us to service the customer needs better but also builds loyalty in him to be our customer for quite a long time.

One way of building up good relations with clients is client service. Various surveys discovered that quality client service is the most essential prerequisite for retention of clients. Client service does not have any absolute meaning. It varies from client to client. While some clients may consider politeness as good client service, there may be others who consider quicker service as good customer service. It is the duty of the business people to know the client behaviours and make them feel that they are provided with good customer service.

Such good customer service cements the relation between the clients and the business and ensures retention of clients. Good client service can help grow business in three ways. It brings more clients through word of mouth advertising, greater frequency of existing clientele, visiting the business place and higher expenditure by each client shopping at business place.
There are some excellent tips for ensuring successful client service. They advise acknowledging and greeting one’s clients, knowing the clients ,listening to them carefully  and asking them questions, knowing the business products thoroughly, recognising the product features and impressing upon the clients by bringing these features to their notice, listening to client’s complaints and redressing them immediately and introducing new initiatives are some of these tips.

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