Describe the steps taken in estimating N.I. by product/ value added technique?
A) Classify all production units: Locate the domestic territory into different industrial sectors that is, primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.
B) Estimate value of output: Since sum of sales and change in stock of all 3 sectors.
C) Estimate value of intermediate consumption: The sum of value of intermediate consumption of all 3 sectors.
D) Estimate GVAmp: Value of output – Intermediate consumption.
E) Estimate NVAmp: Deduct the value of depreciation from the GVAmp. (that is, NVAmp = NDPmp).
F) Estimate NDPfc: Subtract the value of Net Indirect Taxes from NDPmp.
G) Estimate NNPfc: Add the value of Net Factor Income from Abroad with NDPfc to arrive NNPfc or the N.I.