
Essay topics related to Religion

I have some problem related to Essay topics which are related to Religion which are illustrated below:

Topic A:
What are the qualities of the ‘perfect’ or ‘virtuous’ a city and its citizens? Who are the ‘weeds’, is they exist in the perfect city, and what sorts of relations must they have with the others? Compare and contrast al-Farabi and ibn Bajja’s thought and discuss to a conclusion of your own as to whose account is better one and why it is so.

Topic B:
Can Hick’s religious pluralism is a satisfactory response to the phenomenon of the religious diversity?

Topic C:
Any individual research topic of your selection if developed in consultation with your unit chair, which:

  • explores the philosophical implications of a Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian or Islamic idea, or
  • contrasts an idea across two of these religious traditions to uncover the philosophical implications of different understandings of that idea.

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