Essay-People Dependent on technology too much


Science has developed tremendously in past few years and with the development of science many technologies have entered this world. Today everything is being done with the help of technology. If we compare today’s world with the world that was 60 years or 100 years back we will find lot of changes and the biggest change will be finding technologies all around us. Earlier people were travelling mostly on their foot but today there are different types of vehicles; similarly many years before people used pigeons to send their mails but today there are post offices, emails, couriers etc. There are many such examples that prove how technologies have changed this world. Today people are very much dependent on technologies. Be it a small work like writing a note or a big task like designing a vehicle the use of technologies are quite mandatory.

Technologies gained so many advantages because of various reasons. The first reason is that it made the life of the people simple and easier. Technologies has proved to be more like servants in the form of machines where just with the press of one button lot of tasks gets completed. Like with one click the room gets cool with an air conditioner, the foods get cooked in the micro oven and the documents at offices get printed with printers. Even some of the difficult tasks which earlier were taking lot of time are now getting easily done with technologies. One example is earlier transferring or sending money to someone staying at a different city or country was a difficult task but today with internet banking one can make reach money all over world within some seconds. The next advantage is with the use of technology the need for man labour is getting reduced. This is one big advantage for industries that can save their cost in salaries. The task of fifty employees can be also done by five employees using some technologies like advanced machineries, computerized machines etc. Because of the comfort, fast and reliable work done by the technologies people are bound to get more dependent on it.

Today generation is not only getting use to technologies but also getting addicted to it. Many surveys have shown that kids of today generations spends more time playing video games or computer games at home rather than going out to play and enjoy the outdoor games. Similarly people are getting addicted to read books on laptops and tablets and as a result the hard copies are not getting sold as it use to be. For each and every small and big work people are getting dependent on technologies. Survey done by NSF have shown that 89% people feel technology have made life simple and easy, 72% feel that technology is interesting and so getting more dependent and many such results is a proof that people are getting more and more use to.

Using technologies is good as people save lot of time and these time they can utilize doing some other useful stuffs or for their relaxation and entertainments. Even technologies have also proved to be great wonders in the field of medical where some of the most dangerous diseases are now being treated quite easily. Even in research field technologies have led to some of the greatest inventions and discoveries.

Even though technologies have changed life of the people in many positive ways but still people are getting not only dependent on it but too much use to it or addicted to it and this is dangerous. Getting too much dependent of technologies is dangerous because people are losing their skills and their intelligence. They trust more the results they get from computers rather than the results they get from their own brains. Scientists believe that if people continued to be so much dependent then a day will come when technology will rule people. Now people are trying to invent Roberts and even provide those brains and this could be dangerous as they could try to make people more useless and workless. Again depending too much on technology has made people quite lazy and so they are also getting prone to various health issues. The rise in technologies is also making people make the nature more polluted and damaged. Earlier people were either cycling to walking to their office but due to invention of automobiles people are avoiding the cycle and walk and so ultimately making their body obese and leading to diseases like diabetes, cancer etc.

So, too much dependent on technologies is seriously dangerous and its high time people should realize it. Although we know it would be too difficult to live without technology but still we should try our best to make our body and brain also sharp and healthy.

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