
Effectiveness of Death Penalty

The death penalty is actually a unique type of punishment that is given by the legal authorities of a country for treating a person who breaks the laws related to humanity and influence the natural and legal rights of other related or non related people.  Write an essay on Effectiveness of Death Penalty?




Effectiveness of Death Penalty

The death penalty is actually a unique type of punishment that is given by the legal authorities of a country for treating a person who breaks the laws related to humanity and influence the natural and legal rights of other related or non related people. The word of the death penalty is made by two different words such as death and the penalty that have different meaning. The actual meaning of death is the end of life that is required for the human being to live (Perlin, 2013). On the other hand, penalty is a charge that is imposed by the law to condemn those actions of people that breaks the rules and regulation of the related community.

In the sense of some people, the death penalty is not effective for the society because this act is against the god and nature. Hence, it should be prohibited. At the same time, some people oppose this type of view and say that the death penalty is still more important for the people because it restricts them from any crime against the humanity. Hence, in modern society, it is more effective but only in those conditions, when the activities of criminals affect the living rights of the people (Marzilli, 2009). The nature of the death penalty is so cruel, insensate and embarrassing. Death penalty also considers those activities that violate the dignity of humanism. It also  works against the natural rights of human. 

Nowadays, the social environment is changing and it increases the needs of people related to their fundamental requirement. Hence, this situation decreases the availability of resources that makes negative impacts over people. Thus, for getting more resources to fulfill their needs, people use illegal procedures and activities that cause negative impacts over the integrity of the society and existing social structure (Carmen, 2009). In this concern, the death penalty is effective because it generates fear in the mind of people that change their thoughts from criminal activities.

At the same time, the main concern of the whole judicial system is to defend the rights of people related to life, their autonomy, and property. Hence, it is a basic requirement of the laws to punish the criminals for crimes that could stop the other people to do similar and illegal acts (Rogers, 2008). So, the death penalty is effective because it has a capability to punish the criminals in a true manner. It also forces the criminals to pay for their crime and also stop the criminals by practicing it again.

There are several punishments in laws that facilitate a chance to the criminals to save their life. Hence, the people take the laws likely and attempts illegal activities without any fear (Carmen, 2009). In addition, it could not be stated that a killer would not do a similar activity after getting the punishment. The death penalty could not restrict the people from killing others, but the fear of life could change the motive of the people related to killing the people (Marzilli, 2009). Therefore, it could be stated that in the comparison of the death penalty, other penalties are too merciful to the prisoners in the comparison of their non-humanity activities. On the basis of this, it In the comparison of other penalties, the death penalty is able to protect the life of innocent people and hold the importance of justice.

Hence, in my thinking, this penalty is effective in today's environment because in the concern of crime, only death penalty has a power to decrease the rate of crime. It also helps the people to redevelop their beliefs in the effectiveness of safety laws.


Carmen, R.V. (2009). Criminal Procedure: Law and Practice (8th ed.). Canada: Cengage Learning.

Marzilli, A. (2009). Capital Punishment (2nd ed.).  USA: Infobase Publishing.

Perlin, M.L. (2013). Mental Disability and the Death Penalty: The Shame of the States. USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Rogers, A. (2008). Murder & Death Penalty in Mass. Univ of Massachusetts Press. 

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