
Education for women in 1880s and 90s

How did college education change for women in the 1880s and 90s?




The middle class that came into its own with the sudden rise of Roosevelt was well educated. Their political pressures during the final decades of the 19th century not only expanded the American public school system but also reshaped the course of study. In rising numbers, the middle class sent its sons and daughters to colleges and universities that had been preserves of rich and young men training for ministry before the Civil War. Book readership soared as middle class women specially had time to read. The middle class women supported a burgeoning daily press. Middle class families subscribed to genteel, well established monthly magazines and provided the market for a slew of new general-interest periodicals that published fictions; professionally researched and written articles about exotic places and current events, and by 1900, exposes of the malfeasances of businessmen, political corruption, and social problems.

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