Related Questions in Econometrics

  • Q : Technology and Economic Growth

    Technological advances in the food production would make it probable to generate: (1) 40 units of food and a few clothing. (2) More than 40 units of food. (3) 70 units of clothing and greater than 20 units of food. (4) All of the above.

    Q : Economic growth Why are democratic

    Why are democratic regimes more conducive to economic growth than dictatorship?

  • Q : Division of Labor I have a problem in

    I have a problem in economics on Division of Labor. Please help me in determining the right answer from the following question. Shannon brewing an espresso drinks whereas Kelly bakes the croissants at their coffee shop are an illustration of: (i) Comp

  • Q : Diminishing Returns-Concave from origin

    The inevitability of ultimately raising opportunity costs might be employed to explain why: (1) Scarcity is the worsening problem in industrial societies. (2) Production possibilities frontiers are concave from origin. (3) Services cost more than good

  • Q : Expanding the Diminishing Returns Can

    Can someone help me in finding out the right answer from the given options. The law of diminishing returns refers to the rising: (1) Complexities encountered in expanding any activity continually. (2) Reductions in the costs from expanding big scale p

  • Q : Law of comparative advantage Can

    Can someone please help me in determining the right answer from the following question. The law of comparative benefit exhibits: (a) Why trade with a country in which salaries are low is not fair. (b) How countries try to use each other via trade. (c)

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  • Q : Problem on Reliance on

    Can someone help me in determining the right answer from the given options. Reliance on first-come, first-served allocations is termed: (1) Queuing. (2) Superior at lowering the opportunity costs for busy people. (3) The fairest system if goods are sc

  • Q : Effect of Diminishing Returns on

    Since an economy moves all along a concave (or bowed-out) production possibilities frontier, the: (i) Cost rises for the good whose production increases. (ii) Net value of output should raise. (iii) Unemployment rate drops, however inflation creeps up

  • Q : Socialist system of USSR Can someone

    Can someone help me in finding out the accurate answer from the given options. From around 1917 till the year1990, the socialist system in the previous USSR emphasized: (i) Decentralized decision making. (ii) Centralized planning. (iii) Private property rights. (iv) T

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