Homework E-R Modeling
Follow a MOVIE database where data is recorded about the movie industry. The data needs are summarized as follows:
_ Each and every movie is identified by title & year of release. Each movie has a length in minutes.
Each has a assigned production company, and each is classified under one or more genres (such as action, drama, horror, and so forth). Each movie has one or more than one directors and one or more than one actors appear in it. Each movie also has a plot outline. Finally, each movie has zero
or more quotable quotes, each of which is spoken by a particular actor appearing in the movie.
_ Production companies are identified by name and each has an address. A production company produces one or more movies.
Construct the E-R diagram for the Movie database. Document any assumptions that you make. Make sure that your model properly depicts entities, attributes and relationships and weak entities (if any).
_ Actors are identified by name and date of birth and appear in one or more movies. Each actor has a role in the movie.
_ Directors are also identified by name and date of birth and direct one or more movies.
Please Note: It is very important that you stay within the bounds of the problem as stated above.
For example, the description above referring to actors, it does not mention or imply anything about if an actor is associated with any production company. Therefore, don't even attempt to create a model that connects them.
It is also very important that you do not add attributes if they are not necessary or required by the problem. For example, the description above refers to actors. It does not mention or imply anything about actor sex (i.e. female or male). Therefore, don't even attempt to create a model that includes sex as an attribute, it would be superfluous.
These are just examples of how you can find yourself out of bounds.
Developing a general, all inclusive model to solve the problem is as important as creating a well-bounded model to solve the problem.
Submission Instructions
1) Model has to be developed using software. No handwritten models. You may use MSPowerpointor word, MS-Paint, or whatever drawing software tool you know or, is available to you.